Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Channel Swim from the water

Saturday, August 20, 2011
It was touch and go as to whether Danny would start his swim this morning as the captain of the boat did not feel that the conditions were ideal. However, they decided to go for it because if they didn't it may have been that Danny would have to wait quite a while before the next opportunity came along.
2.40am - Danny began his swim in the pitch black. Apparently it was quite a bit choppy but he was in good form.
5:00am - Still pretty choppy - Martin got in the water to join Danny for 30 mins.
7:00am - Danny is doing well - he is swapping between front crawl and breaststroke because it is hard to keep the water out of his mouth with the roughness of the sea. He is managing to eat and drink as planned. He is swimming at 48 strokes a minute.
Please keep messages of support flowing to his mobile.
9.00am - Had a text from Seamus to say that Danny is looking strong at the moment. There are big swells though and the forecast says that it is going to get rougher. He is about 1 mile from the separation zone and continues to take on lots of fuel. Seamus says that he has that familiar determined look about him that we have all seen before. Come on Danny!
10.20 - Seven hours have been and gone and Danny is still looking strong and very determined. The swell has dropped which is great although there have now been sightings of jelly fish. Obviously the crew are doing their best to point them out to Danny so they can be avoided. Martin is in the water with him at the moment and it is helping to keep him motivated. Hopefully 8 hours to go - France is definitely getting a lot closer!! - Thanks for the messages so far - they are a great help.
11.30am - Danny is clearly hurting now - it is thought that there are about 8 miles to go.- 6 hours swimming... he is still fighting hard for it.
12.00 - Danny is tiring a bit now but France is looking bigger and bigger. Martin is back in the water with him - there are still about 6 hours to go. He is currently in the french shipping lane with big tankers all around. The wind has started to pick up again but not too bad. He is managing to eat/drink well and is still in good spirits. Keep those text coming!!
12.35 - Just spoken to Seamus, Danny has apparently had a very good hour with Martin in the water. He has picked up some good mileage and everyone on the boat sound very positive that Danny is on track. Come on Danny!!!!
13:00 - Seamus just text the following "The clouds are closing in but Mr Bryson is not finished yet, this bull of a man is on the charge. Dare I say, things are looking promising"
13.40 - Poor Danny keeps getting cramp and is very tired. He must make sure that he continues to keep a steady pace otherwise he could miss the landing spot and add another couple of hours onto what is already a torturous journey. He potentially has 3 hours left if he keeps stong but if he misses the spot it could add on a good few hours.
13.50 - Danny has been swimming for 11 hours solid. It is now raining heavily but so far he is showing no signs of slowing down.
14.20 - Martin has got back in the water for another hour stint with Danny. Seamus says that everytime Martin gets in the water it really helps Danny to stay on track. Great job Martin.... They are getting nearer and nearer - hopefully not too long to go now.
NOTE - no GPS signal for last couple of hours. He is closer than he looks!
14.40 - Text from Seamus "The howling wind and relentless rain only seems to spur him on. He has picked up the pace again and going in for the kill. France is getting nearer and nearer, we can smell the baguettes from the boat!"
15.40 - Danny is tiring with every stroke and grimacing with pain but is still pushing on. The wind and the rain are still trying to push him away from the shore but still he surges on. It is very tough. Martin is going to enter the water in about 40 minutes for the last big effort to reach French soil.....
16.45 - Less than a mile to go but a very strong current is in danger of taking him past the headland to his landing point. Big swell and worrying times. Come on Danny you are so close now........
17.15 - It looks like he might just get into the headland but it is touch and go yet. Hoping one hour to go. Danny is exhausted by steady.
17.35 - Last massive surge from Danny. About half an hour until he lands on French shores - GO DANNY GO!!!!
18.00 - Sorry, but the last update was not right - Danny is still stuck in a nasty current at the moment - he is about 400m from the shore and not going anywhere at the moment as the current is too strong. Please everyone keep praying!!!
18:20 - This was the last text I got from Seamus but had the best news ever - "My god that was stressful - Danny got taken off course and ended swimming for his life. Too far away due to rocks and tides. News however is that 2 minutes ago we witnessed Danny stand on french soil. The guy is a legend, a channel conqueror, was it ever in doubt?"
Total time in the water - tbc
It was touch and go as to whether Danny would start his swim this morning as the captain of the boat did not feel that the conditions were ideal. However, they decided to go for it because if they didn't it may have been that Danny would have to wait quite a while before the next opportunity came along.
2.40am - Danny began his swim in the pitch black. Apparently it was quite a bit choppy but he was in good form.
5:00am - Still pretty choppy - Martin got in the water to join Danny for 30 mins.
7:00am - Danny is doing well - he is swapping between front crawl and breaststroke because it is hard to keep the water out of his mouth with the roughness of the sea. He is managing to eat and drink as planned. He is swimming at 48 strokes a minute.
Please keep messages of support flowing to his mobile.
9.00am - Had a text from Seamus to say that Danny is looking strong at the moment. There are big swells though and the forecast says that it is going to get rougher. He is about 1 mile from the separation zone and continues to take on lots of fuel. Seamus says that he has that familiar determined look about him that we have all seen before. Come on Danny!
10.20 - Seven hours have been and gone and Danny is still looking strong and very determined. The swell has dropped which is great although there have now been sightings of jelly fish. Obviously the crew are doing their best to point them out to Danny so they can be avoided. Martin is in the water with him at the moment and it is helping to keep him motivated. Hopefully 8 hours to go - France is definitely getting a lot closer!! - Thanks for the messages so far - they are a great help.
11.30am - Danny is clearly hurting now - it is thought that there are about 8 miles to go.- 6 hours swimming... he is still fighting hard for it.
12.00 - Danny is tiring a bit now but France is looking bigger and bigger. Martin is back in the water with him - there are still about 6 hours to go. He is currently in the french shipping lane with big tankers all around. The wind has started to pick up again but not too bad. He is managing to eat/drink well and is still in good spirits. Keep those text coming!!
12.35 - Just spoken to Seamus, Danny has apparently had a very good hour with Martin in the water. He has picked up some good mileage and everyone on the boat sound very positive that Danny is on track. Come on Danny!!!!
13:00 - Seamus just text the following "The clouds are closing in but Mr Bryson is not finished yet, this bull of a man is on the charge. Dare I say, things are looking promising"
13.40 - Poor Danny keeps getting cramp and is very tired. He must make sure that he continues to keep a steady pace otherwise he could miss the landing spot and add another couple of hours onto what is already a torturous journey. He potentially has 3 hours left if he keeps stong but if he misses the spot it could add on a good few hours.
13.50 - Danny has been swimming for 11 hours solid. It is now raining heavily but so far he is showing no signs of slowing down.
14.20 - Martin has got back in the water for another hour stint with Danny. Seamus says that everytime Martin gets in the water it really helps Danny to stay on track. Great job Martin.... They are getting nearer and nearer - hopefully not too long to go now.
NOTE - no GPS signal for last couple of hours. He is closer than he looks!
14.40 - Text from Seamus "The howling wind and relentless rain only seems to spur him on. He has picked up the pace again and going in for the kill. France is getting nearer and nearer, we can smell the baguettes from the boat!"
15.40 - Danny is tiring with every stroke and grimacing with pain but is still pushing on. The wind and the rain are still trying to push him away from the shore but still he surges on. It is very tough. Martin is going to enter the water in about 40 minutes for the last big effort to reach French soil.....
16.45 - Less than a mile to go but a very strong current is in danger of taking him past the headland to his landing point. Big swell and worrying times. Come on Danny you are so close now........
17.15 - It looks like he might just get into the headland but it is touch and go yet. Hoping one hour to go. Danny is exhausted by steady.
17.35 - Last massive surge from Danny. About half an hour until he lands on French shores - GO DANNY GO!!!!
18.00 - Sorry, but the last update was not right - Danny is still stuck in a nasty current at the moment - he is about 400m from the shore and not going anywhere at the moment as the current is too strong. Please everyone keep praying!!!
18:20 - This was the last text I got from Seamus but had the best news ever - "My god that was stressful - Danny got taken off course and ended swimming for his life. Too far away due to rocks and tides. News however is that 2 minutes ago we witnessed Danny stand on french soil. The guy is a legend, a channel conqueror, was it ever in doubt?"
Total time in the water - tbc
Monday, August 15, 2011
GPS tracking powered by InstaMapper.com
This will hopefully plot where i am swimming through my iPhone - unless someone leaves it on shore or drops it overboard!
This will hopefully plot where i am swimming through my iPhone - unless someone leaves it on shore or drops it overboard!
A lot of people ask me to compare the training for this to a marathon. Having done a few marathons and mountain races etc, as well as mountain climbs, cycles, Tough Guy events, i have come to the following conclusion -
The duration of this training is about 3 times as long a lead in process as a marathon.
The intensity of the training is about 4-5 times as hard. I am swimming in a week as much as a i run for marathon training. Bear in mind i run about 4-5 times as quickly as i swim.,.,.
Swimming is less forgiving on the mind. When you run or cycle, you have changing scenery etc whereas that is not so much the case looking down into a pool/lake/sea. Thus your mind gets bored and your concentration can go as well as giving yourself more reasons to get out...
I have found here is a lot more to consider outside of the training time from acclimatising yourself to the cold, improving technique, working out how to feed in the water, chaffing/grease, logisitics, diet. The mental side of things is severely underestimated here - most successful swimmers value it at 50-75% of the challenge, and bearing in mind the physical side here, that is something. A marathon of 3-4 hrs with 1000s of people to share the experience with, perhaps an Ipod and a crowd, is a nicer option than 15-17hrs (i hope) in the water by yourself with earplugs in..
The longest run i have done during any marathon training has been 2hr 40 but usually 2hr 20 is sufficient. I have done 4 x 8hr+ swims and 1 swim of almost 9 hrs here.
OVERALL - (and i dont know whether i have done enough at this point!) - i would say the training has been 4-5 times harder for me than a marathon. I dont say that lightly but feel my months have been devoted to this (as George will testify! - sorry my extremely tolerant wife!) rather than with marathon training the training works around my life.
The duration of this training is about 3 times as long a lead in process as a marathon.
The intensity of the training is about 4-5 times as hard. I am swimming in a week as much as a i run for marathon training. Bear in mind i run about 4-5 times as quickly as i swim.,.,.
Swimming is less forgiving on the mind. When you run or cycle, you have changing scenery etc whereas that is not so much the case looking down into a pool/lake/sea. Thus your mind gets bored and your concentration can go as well as giving yourself more reasons to get out...
I have found here is a lot more to consider outside of the training time from acclimatising yourself to the cold, improving technique, working out how to feed in the water, chaffing/grease, logisitics, diet. The mental side of things is severely underestimated here - most successful swimmers value it at 50-75% of the challenge, and bearing in mind the physical side here, that is something. A marathon of 3-4 hrs with 1000s of people to share the experience with, perhaps an Ipod and a crowd, is a nicer option than 15-17hrs (i hope) in the water by yourself with earplugs in..
The longest run i have done during any marathon training has been 2hr 40 but usually 2hr 20 is sufficient. I have done 4 x 8hr+ swims and 1 swim of almost 9 hrs here.
OVERALL - (and i dont know whether i have done enough at this point!) - i would say the training has been 4-5 times harder for me than a marathon. I dont say that lightly but feel my months have been devoted to this (as George will testify! - sorry my extremely tolerant wife!) rather than with marathon training the training works around my life.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Deep Sea Swim

Sunday, August 7, 2011
2 weeks to go
Not long to go now. Having met my boat pilot, Peter Read (who seemed really nice which is positive and had a great local cafe in Folkestone!) it seems that i will be aiming for 22nd - 24th August start date. I will be leaving between 2am - 5am in the morning so a little swimming in the dark but having done 15 minutes in the dark with Frodo the other night, i am not too worried about that now (it actually felt warmer and quite peaceful - until i swam into a fishing line and could feel the excitment from the shore as he thought he had caught a bigun!). Just keen to avoid a large party of jellies in the dark so nominating a jelly spotter with a spotlight - although i could just man up and face the music. Little girls get stung!
I have not swum in a pool since the end of April - just lakes for 2 months then the sea for the last 6 weeks. I feel lucky on this front due to location and flexibility so hope that stands me in good stead - and wander how someone working 8-6am every day actually gets the time to train for this extreme challenge...
A week ago, i did c 12 hrs over 2 days including an 8hr swim and felt physically fine but mentally drained now. Too many negative thoughts really and need to start believing more in myself having swum enough this year - c900km i think -and acclimatised to the cold. WOrking on this element and know i will have to be at my fighting best on the day to have a chance....
Also, i have received some help on the nutrition element which is good (thanks Sharmaine). Most swimmers seems to take MAXIM but i have been using Maximuscle stuff for a while before i realised this so stuck to my guns. She went through the Carb issues, hydration issues etc and i realised i need to take on more drinks and gels etc to stop the hunger. I have been feeding irregularly so every 30 mins on the big day should really help this so i am working on a proper schedule now to work with what i have been using and what my body needs over the long long term of this swim!
Over the last couple of days, i have had Billy down to swim with me. Billy the Fish (Uni nickname for drinking and swimming not because he played in a football team and was a Fish) made me realise i still have a lot to learn with swimming speed but piling on the pounds helped me fight the cold whereas the Fish struggled after a while in the cold - good to know that has worked as it has hurt over the last 4 months! I have to pace myself as going off too quickly really seems to get to me after 3-4 hrs.... Most knowledgeable people have told me not to completely taper yet - so will do another 5 hr swim this week and swim most days. Nothing much more though.
Really felt it was close today when i saw some food i got from the fridge had an expiry date after my swim! umm
I have not swum in a pool since the end of April - just lakes for 2 months then the sea for the last 6 weeks. I feel lucky on this front due to location and flexibility so hope that stands me in good stead - and wander how someone working 8-6am every day actually gets the time to train for this extreme challenge...
A week ago, i did c 12 hrs over 2 days including an 8hr swim and felt physically fine but mentally drained now. Too many negative thoughts really and need to start believing more in myself having swum enough this year - c900km i think -and acclimatised to the cold. WOrking on this element and know i will have to be at my fighting best on the day to have a chance....
Also, i have received some help on the nutrition element which is good (thanks Sharmaine). Most swimmers seems to take MAXIM but i have been using Maximuscle stuff for a while before i realised this so stuck to my guns. She went through the Carb issues, hydration issues etc and i realised i need to take on more drinks and gels etc to stop the hunger. I have been feeding irregularly so every 30 mins on the big day should really help this so i am working on a proper schedule now to work with what i have been using and what my body needs over the long long term of this swim!
Over the last couple of days, i have had Billy down to swim with me. Billy the Fish (Uni nickname for drinking and swimming not because he played in a football team and was a Fish) made me realise i still have a lot to learn with swimming speed but piling on the pounds helped me fight the cold whereas the Fish struggled after a while in the cold - good to know that has worked as it has hurt over the last 4 months! I have to pace myself as going off too quickly really seems to get to me after 3-4 hrs.... Most knowledgeable people have told me not to completely taper yet - so will do another 5 hr swim this week and swim most days. Nothing much more though.
Really felt it was close today when i saw some food i got from the fridge had an expiry date after my swim! umm
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