It must be a personality defect in the genes. Nature or nuture, i am still trying to work it out. Now before i begin this post, i must stress that i know some lovely French people (sylvie, karine, Jules, Alan, etc) but ....
Swimming pool etiquette - what is it with not wanting to let anyone pass you even if they are doing a lazy sunday backstroke and someone else (me) is doing crawl twice as fast...? Getting to the end of a length knowing i am right behind and pushing off immediately to stay ahead.. I havent found this problem in the UK but find it all the time in France. Some people know of the mad woman in the pool as well....
another story..!
Fishermen - had a huge tirade of abuse from 2 fishermen in the lake the other day. A lake which is used by everyone for many things, but they had decided that their fishing took priority and i shouldnt put their fish off!? FOr those who know me, you can imagine i gave back at least twice as much as i was given then just ignored them.
At the moment, i seem to get nervous each day, sometimes about the swims i know i need to do, but usually about the channel - usually the cold, dark and jellyfish. The distance isnt something which is really worrying me at the moment... surprisingly! I have a long swim tomorrow in the cold water - really hoping i handle it ok as that will give me a lot of confidence (or take it away). I bought some Anti-jellyfish sun lotion today.... apparently works on 'most' jellyfish and has a secret formula including plankton?!?! I guess they are working on the fact that out of every 1000 swimmers in the med, 1 will get stung but if all 1000 buy, they will get 999 good stories and one bad?!! anyway - i must give it a go! Although the channel grease (basically vaseline) doesnt work on the cold at all (a myth that everyone seems to now believe), it apparently can help a little with Jellyfish stings as well.
Touch wood - no real injuries yet, just feeling tired as i am increasing the distance.