Tuesday, May 31, 2011

8 hour swim

Well - it didnt start well. Whilst getting my food and drinks sorted sorted for the day at 6am (!) i had a little Maximuscle Viper powder (energy drink) left over in the tub. SO i thought 'no harm getting ahead of the game and getting a little energy on board early' but i was in a bit of a rush and didnt let the stuff dissolve. Bad mistake. So taking in a few chunks of this powder wasnt a good idea as it reacted within a minute with my stomach contents and i manage to offer all my last 2 meal contents to the loo. As i had already eaten toast, had a coffee and taken a couple of immune tablets - not a great start!
Got down to the lakes before 7am and there was literally noone to be seen. Lake looked inviting though so got ready and got in - alone in the area for about an hour.
Notes -
Bored after an hour - named my cricket team of the last 30 year within ten minutes and then just studied underwater life! Greatest football and Rugby teams being saved for the main event! BTW - team was (and i am sure i forgot some important cricketers!) Greenidge Strauss Tendulker Ponting Lara Gilchrist Botham Khan Warne Mcgrath Holding.... lot of runs in there!

but seriously -

11/2 - 2 hrs - Shoulders started aching a little - early?
fine for a while
41/2 hrs - felt very faint and dizzy followed by very hungry. Was thinking of stopping with the dizziness but then had a large feed and it was sorted. Note - feeding every hour is not enough at this stage - needs to be 45 mins.
fine until 61/2 hrs when shoulders ached for an hour but then came out the other side which was good before stopping at 8 hrs. Averaging about 18 1/2 mins per KM during then 19 1/2 mins for the last KM..

Unlike the last time i went to the lake, i didnt feel like i was Frogger in a game of old style Frogger with the windsurfers..! Did about 30 mins breaststroke but it only seems to slow me by 30 sec every KM so not much in it really and uses different muscles so feel happy using that to change things and recover..
Note to self - over 8 hrs in the sun - factor 15 not enough!!

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